Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) Fusion

Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) Fusion Treatment by Dr. Vivek Loomba


Sacroiliac Joint is a tissue that is located in the pelvis. It connects your ilium to the sacrum. It is a section of our body part that helps in managing strain reaching the spine. 

What is Sacroiliac Joint (SI Joint) pain?

A sacroiliac joint pain can be triggered due to an injury or degeneration of joints. It can cause pain in the lower back, hip, pelvis, groin, and buttocks. It also arises pain, numbness, and weakness in the leg and foot. SI joint pain impacts your ability to sit for a longer period of time. It triggers transitional movements of your body from walking, standing, sitting, and sleeping. Women who are facing some health issues related to back pain or pregnancy are more prone to Sacroiliac Joint pain.


A number of different symptoms can be associated with  Sacroiliac Joint dysfunctionalities. The pain may get worse with intense physical activities such as walking or stair climbing. 

  • Lower back pain
  • Hip, Thigh, and Groin Pain
  • Leg instability
  • Sleep patterns disturbance
  • Pain radiation in legs
  • Pain resulting from sitting to standing
  • Disturbing sleep patterns
  • Pelvis and buttock pain
  • Pain, numbness, and weakness in lower extremities


Sacroiliac joint pain is a condition that can be caused by a variety of medical and health conditions. Here are some of the most common causes –

Osteoarthritis – This degenerative joint disease can cause the cartilage between the sacroiliac joints to break down, leading to pain and stiffness.

Ankylosing spondylitis – This causes inflammatory arthritis of joints of the spine.

Psoriatic arthritis – The condition causes inflammation and swelling in the joints and also psoriasis (rash with itchy and scaly patches).

Spondylolisthesis -This condition occurs when one of the vertebrae in the lower back slips out of place and puts pressure on the sacroiliac joint. This can cause inflammation and pain.

Degenerative disc disease – This condition occurs when the discs between the vertebrae start to break down. This can put pressure on the sacroiliac joints and lead to pain.

Trauma – A fall or other type of accident can cause the sacroiliac joints to become dislocated or fractured. This can lead to inflammation and pain.

Pregnancy – Pregnancy hormones can cause pelvic muscles to relax causing sacroiliac joint pain. Also, the overweight during pregnancy can cause strain to the sacroiliac joint leading to distress.

Pyogenic sacroiliitis – It is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. 


There are a few different ways that doctors can diagnose sacroiliac joint dysfunction. 

Physical examination – In this examination, your doctor will feel for any areas of tenderness or pain in your lower back and buttocks. During the examination, your doctor may ask you to do some simple movements, such as bending forward or standing up from a lying position, to see if this aggravates your symptoms.

Imaging tests – If your doctor suspects that you have sacroiliac joint dysfunction, they may order some imaging tests such as an X-ray, MRI, or CT scan. These tests can help to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other possible causes of your pain.

Blood work – It looks for inflammation signs in joints

Steroid Injection – An injection of steroid into the sacroiliac joint is used for both diagnostics and pain relief. It is used as guidance using X-rays for needle placement in the target location.


The sacroiliac joint is a strong, weight-bearing synovial joint between the sacrum and the iliac (hip) bones. It is a common source of low back pain and can be a difficult condition to diagnose and treat.

There are several treatments for sacroiliac joint dysfunction, including:

  • Physical therapy – This can help to improve the range of motion and reduce pain.
  • Exercise – A specific exercise program may be recommended to help stretch and strengthen the muscles around the SI joint.
  • Joint injections – Steroid injections or other types of injections into the SI joint can help to relieve pain.
  • Surgery – In some cases, surgery may be necessary to fuse the SI joint or correct other problems with the joint.

Alternatives to Sacroiliac Joint Fusion Surgery

There are a few alternatives to sacroiliac joint fusion surgery that may be effective in treating the underlying causes of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. These include:

  • Steroid Injections – Steroid injections or other types of injections into the sacroiliac joints can help to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Bracing: – Wearing a supportive brace can help to stabilize the sacroiliac joints and take pressure off of painful areas.
  • Medications: Pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, and muscle relaxants can all be helpful in managing sacroiliac joint pain.


Sacroiliac joint dysfunction and fusion are painful conditions that can be difficult to manage. Fortunately, there are many treatment options to prevent it from occurring in the first place, or at least reduce its severity if it does happens to occur. However, it is necessary to understand the causes of sacroiliac joint dysfunction and fusion if you’re facing the above symptoms so that we can work towards improving your overall health and well-being by taking steps to alleviate any possible sources of this debilitating and wearing condition.